Student Council is holding a St. Patrick's Day sale for a good cause! 


Each year, Student Councils throughout the whole state of New Jersey raise money for the same charity. This year's charity is called Ava's Voice, which helps people with Usher Syndrome. 

The Halsted Student Council will be selling St. Patrick's Day items after school on March 5th and 12th. All proceeds will be donated to Ava's Voice! 

And remember... You can wear your St. Patrick's Day gear to the parade in town on March 8th and to school on March 17th!! 

Thank you for your support!! 

¡El Consejo Estudiantil está realizando una venta del Día de San Patricio por una buena causa!

Cada año, los consejos estudiantiles de todo el estado de Nueva Jersey recaudan dinero para la misma organización benéfica. La organización benéfica de este año se llama Ava's Voice y ayuda a personas con síndrome de Usher.
