The 6th - 8th grade Student Council Dance is planned for Friday, January 26th and the theme will be… Western! We welcome you to wear your best boots, cowboy hats, bandanas, and Western apparel! We can’t wait to see you there! (don’t worry… the music won’t match the theme and you don’t have to dress up to attend!)
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Hats Off For Helmets! Win a season pass to Mountain Creek, or a Zuke Board Shield for the 2024-2025 season! How? Take the lead and create a Ski/Snowboard Helmet Logo that will inspire everyone to use a helmet when you ride or ski! All entries must be received by March 1
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Attention Halsted Students - you are invited to join the Halsted 5 Committee! Hope to see you at the first meeting on January 16.
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Halsted's January Focus for the New Year: Each day, YOU can be great by taking pride in your work and your school, listening to others, being responsible, showing respect, and being prepared. Keep on following the Halsted 5!
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
There will be a SKI CLUB MEETING on Friday, January 5th!
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Happy New Year! We hope everyone is enjoying the holiday break and is able to find time to relax. Looking forward to starting the New Year fresh!
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas! We hope you are able to take the time to enjoy this special day today. Be safe and Happy Holidays!
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Our 5th graders are feeling festive! Happy Holidays!
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow (12/22) is an Early Dismissal. Students will be dismissed from Halsted at 11:55am. A "grab and go" lunch will be available for students who are interested!
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Last week, a small group of Halsted Symphonic Band members travelled with Mrs. Young to Newton ShopRite to share their musical gifts and spread cheer in our community. Go Braves and Happy Holidays!
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Our Halsted students are working hard at the rehearsal to get ready for tonight's concert! Keep up the good work, kids!
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Halsted's Winter Band/Chorus Concert is TONIGHT at Newton High School at 7pm. This is a free event for families and friends to attend. We hope to see you there!
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Congratulations to Halsted' ESP (Education Support Professional) of the Year, Ashley Ahearn! We are beyond grateful to have you as an incredible team member here.
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Congratulations to Halsted's Teacher of the Year, Eileen Fisher! This award is WELL DESERVED. We are so lucky to have you as such an amazing teacher here.
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Please see this week’s events of the great things happening in our community. The events can now be found under the Community and Events link on our new website:
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
The holidays are in full swing! Need a gift idea for someone? Consider Halsted Gear! Check out the available pieces in the link below
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Students, are you interested in SET DESIGN? There will be a brief informational meeting on Monday, Dec. 11 at 2:45 in the Art Room. Set Design is open to students in grades 6-8.
about 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Our December "focus" for the Halsted 5 is RESPECT.
over 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
This is a reminder that the Halsted Student Council is participating in Project Self Sufficiency’s “Stuff the Stocking” event. Please consider donating new toys and/or gift cards for families needing presents to give their children during this joyful holiday season. Donations will be accepted from through December 11th and can be brought to room 207 or the main office lobby. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos
Student Council Members, mark your calendars for your upcoming meetings! December 6th: 5th and 6th grade December 13th: 7th grade December 20th: 8th grade January 3rd: Officers
over 1 year ago, Lisa Sienrukos