See below for an exciting new program being offered this Summer through our C2C Program! (Open to all rising 5th through 8th Grade Students) Sign-up Using this Link:
10 months ago, Alexander Miller
HMS Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week: May 6, 2024 - May 10, 2024 Hello, All: Halsted Middle School administration is looking forward to celebrating our teachers and staff with a fun week of treats! We will start the week with breakfast and continue to provide raffles, giveaways, and fun throughout the week. However, we can only do this with your support. Below is an Amazon Wish list and Sign-up Genius of supplies to help make the week successful. Please consider helping us give them the fantastic week they truly deserve by considering a kind donation. Donations are due by Thursday, May 2, 2024. AMAZON WISHLIST: Purchases will be shipped directly to HMS SIGN-UP GENIUS: - Large Items (such as drinks) can be left in the Main Office. - Small items( such as gift cards) can be sealed in an envelope labeled HMS- Ms. Meg, and sent to school with your child. We thank you in advance for your unwavering support. HMS Administration
10 months ago, Alexander Miller
As our students begin their NJSLA testing today, we wanted to take a look back on the fantastic week that Halsted just experienced! (Pictures included) On Monday April 22nd, students in our 7th Grade Class visited the Newton Rail Trail for a hike to celebrate Earth Day! On Wednesday April 24th, Mr. Rueda from NHS brought down a group of student dancers to showcase traditional dances and history from Guatemala. It was a spectacular and educational presentation! We also celebrated Administrative Professionals Day! Thank you to Mrs. Tremain, Mrs. Fonseca, and Mrs. Conlon for all you do to help Halsted tick! On Thursday April 25th, we celebrated Take Your Child to Work day. We had a wonderful group of students join us, and we hope all of our Halsted students that participated enjoyed their day! On Friday April 26th, our 5th grade class celebrated their graduation from our L.E.A.D (Law Enforcement Against Drugs and Violence) program under the direction of Officer Bellis and Detective Torres from the NPD. Congrats Braves! A great week here at Halsted and much more to look forward to as we reach the Spring season!
10 months ago, Alexander Miller
NJSLA Testing begins tomorrow for all students! Make sure to get a good nights rest, fully charge chromebooks, eat a good breakfast, and get to school on time! Good luck Halsted!
10 months ago, Alexander Miller
The boy who dared to ask for more... Oliver! Jr. runs this Friday April 19th, Saturday April 20th, and Sunday April 21st. Friday and Saturday at 7:30 PM, Sunday at 3PM. Tickets can be purchased by visiting and searching "Halsted". See you there!
11 months ago, Alexander Miller
Congrats to our Halsted FBLA team for a long list of successes at their States competition! Placements are as follows: Sophia McKenna: 7th Place for Business Etiquette Addison DeRoma and Evan Hutchens: 1st Place for Annual Chapter Activities Presentation Sophia McKenna and Bailey Meyers: 3rd Place Community Service Presentation Kelly Adjobi: 10th place for Critical Thinking Isabella Negron: 8th Place for Elevator Speech Evan Hutchens: 1st Place for Exploring Technology Renee Fitzgerald: 5th Place for FBLA Mission and Pledge Nailah Christ: 8th Place for Learning Strategies Addison DeRoma: 10th Place for Running an Effective Meeting Chapter Awards: Passport of Progress-2nd Place Community Service Challenge-1st Place Advocate for Anthony-1st Place Go braves!!
11 months ago, Alexander Miller
Have you purchased your tickets yet for the Halsted Players production of Oliver! Jr.? Tickets are going fast and this is a show you will not want to miss! See below for details.
11 months ago, Alexander Miller
Exciting day! Congratulations to our FBLA members, lead by Mrs. Iliff, who took a break after their presentations to watch the solar eclipse at Kean University.
11 months ago, Alexander Miller
Sending best wishes to our Jr. FBLA team who is competing today at Kean University in the Middle School FBLA States Conference!
11 months ago, Alexander Miller
On Thursday April 11th, we invite the entire Halsted community to wear Blue in honor of Autism Awareness month! Lets light our halls up in blue to support a great cause!
11 months ago, Alexander Miller
We hope our Halsted families enjoyed a rain and sun mixed Spring Break! School resumes tomorrow Monday April 8th!
11 months ago, Alexander Miller
Tickets are now on sale for the Halsted Players production of Oliver Jr.! Please see below for details. Cash concessions and tickets will be available at the door. Hope to see you there!
12 months ago, Alexander Miller
Join C2C on March 21st for Book Bonanza Night!
12 months ago, Alexander Miller
Join us next week as we celebrate Read Across America week! We'll have spirit days all week to help us celebrate reading!
about 1 year ago, Alexander Miller
Attention all Middle School Parents: PARENT & SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT WORKSHOP ARE STARTING MARCH 14TH! Parents will be empowered to improve their child's school climate as they learn to become leaders in their school community ... and earn money while doing so, $100! Additional funding will be available to those interested in earning up to $1,000 to promote a healthy school climate for their child's school.
about 1 year ago, Alexander Miller
Attention all 8th Graders! YOUTH LEADERSHIP CAMP is on April 13th! Students will level up their leadership skills while having fun at the Fairview Lake YMCA Camp!
about 1 year ago, Alexander Miller
📅 Friday, March 1, 2024 🍞 Partnering with Panera Bread in Newton! Eat great food and support a great cause! Let's leap into kindness and make a positive impact together! 🚀💙 #WeekendBagProgram #LeapIntoKindness #CommunityLove #MakeADifference
about 1 year ago, Alexander Miller
📅 Thursday, February 29, 2024 🕓 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm 📍 WKBP Warehouse, 248 Brighton Road, Andover NJ, 07821 🛍️ Leap into Kindness Event with The Weekend Bag Program Inc. Come together to Assemble a Weekend Bag with Us! Let's make a positive impact on the lives of Sussex County students facing food insecurity. Bring items like Pasta Noodles, Pasta Sauce (no glass), Canned Vegetable, Box Mac n Cheese, and Fruit Cup. 🍝🥫🥦🧀🍇 💙 All are welcome! Whether you're part of a corporate group, Scouts, Clubs, or an individual, your help is invaluable. Contact to sign up and be part of this meaningful cause. Let's fill 800 Weekend Bags and ensure no student goes hungry over the weekend! 🎒🤝
about 1 year ago, Alexander Miller
All students and families are invited to join us this Thursday for a Pine Street Park Clean-Up, headed by our C2C Program!
about 1 year ago, Alexander Miller
Join us in a great fundraising opportunity for the HMS Class of 2024!
about 1 year ago, Alexander Miller